Monday, 19 October 2020

What are you going to have achieved within the next 30 days?

You need to understand psychology and human behaviour, because you will be faced with different types of people who each present you with unique challenges. Lastly, nutrition and hormones support our ability to function optimally, whatever the results that you're trying to achieve. Each of these areas carry over to more specialist subjects, but I believe that they should be the foundation road map for any coach . I hope you are starting to see the value of Level Up . Throughout your career, I want you to be able to come back to specific sections within this article and see if you're missing anything in your business or your life. This is a road map for you to follow - one that will help you to achieve your career goals. Professional - Do More! If there is one area that few fitness professionals are fully up to speed on, it's the professional side of running a fitness business. In fact, it's the one area that won't have been covered when you qualified. If you haven't had any previous experience in business, it's doubtful that you will have fully developed a business brain. Do I need to improve our relationship? How would I score myself on each item of the Cognitive Therapy Rating Scale [beckinstitute. If I could do the session over again, what would I do differently? What do I want to remember to address in the next session? Future sessions? DECIDING WHETHER TO FOCUS ON AN ISSUE OR GOAL A critical decision in every therapy session is deciding how to spend the time. Although you collaborate in making this decision with clients, ask yourself: Which issue(s) or goals can we work on that will help the client feel better by the end of the session and have a better week? You gently guide clients away from discussion of issues that

It's easy to see that resentful thoughts means they have created a bad feeling. When we act out an evil thought, surely it's because we have had feelings that have caused hateful emotions for us to act this way. It's not just about thinking. It's more like the thought in these teachings refers to a form of belief; A belief can be caused in an instance such as during a shocking event (instant feeling together with the thought) or it can form through thoughts and opinions that have been perpetuated over time, creating attached feelings. When you begin to understand and believe that everything around you is there because of your thoughtlings, it can be quite liberating. It's good to know that if you can control your thoughtlings as the Dharma teaches us, you can create a great life. It's also good to know that, if you're mindful and living in the moment, appreciating what is, or `mind empty' as in the state of meditation, you can release all resistance and any negativity that comes from past regrets. You can vibrate higher by releasing bad memories or future worries and desperate cravings. Both techniques can work to tap into the Resonation Realm and manifest you a better life. When you're in vacation planning mode, research your destination. In between searching for the best kid-friendly restaurants and making reservations to swim with dolphins, get familiar with potential hazards for the area. Is your vacation spot prone to natural disasters, like earthquakes in California, hurricanes in the Caribbean or wildfires in Florida? Once you've determined the risks, it doesn't hurt to ask the hotel you're staying at what plans they have in place should an event occur. Ninety nine percent of the time, GPS will get you where you want to go, however it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the route beforehand just in case you hear the dreaded recalculating. If you don't already have one, buy a map of the area your family is visiting. Mark the location of the hotel in relation to any special attractions your family wants to see and also make note of the nearest hospital. KEEP YOUR FAMILY SAFE AT A HOTEL Here are 10 ways to stay safe in your home away from home: Stay at safe hotels.

Like the majority of fitness professionals, you'll be focused on learning and developing your coaching skills (which are essential), but you won't have your eyes on the operational sides of running and growing your business. I spent quite a few years working in the property industry before I started my journey in the fitness industry. There were endless systems in place for each department that I worked in and a level of professionalism that had to be displayed both when meeting people and when communicating through letters (as it was back then) and email. There was also a lot of record keeping and data collection for measuring the company's performance. It was clear from the start that these were not only property industry standards - they were essential if the business was going to run smoothly and keep growing. My father always described my time in the property industry as the university of life. I was thrown in right at the deep end and I had to Level Up pretty quickly if I was going to survive. When I started my career in the fitness industry, I immediately carried over many of the foundational skills that I had learned into running my business. I would set goals every month and record my progress, I created structured systems, and I would ensure that I communicated professionally with my clients on every level, both face to face and through email. It was clear to me early on that I was running my coaching business differently to the other coaches. You also avoid problems or goals that clients don't want to work on, unless you conceptualize that it's very important to do so at that session. Even then, you initially try to conceptualize why the client doesn't want to discuss them. Responding to what they see as the disadvantages may increase their willingness. Even if they're not willing to discuss them in full, they may be willing to spend just a few minutes on them. Ultimately, though, you need to respect their decision. PAULINE: ELSIE, do you think we should talk about the upcoming holiday with your family. ELSIE: No, not really. PAULINE: I'm concerned that you could have a repeat of what happened last month. Would it be okay if we just looked at the disadvantages of discussing it? And then maybe we can look at the potential advantages.

Thoughts do make transmitting vibrations on their own, but it's our hearts that push them outside of ourselves and into the Resonation Realm. Thoughts that are persistent, focussed, or obsessive will become beliefs and turn into thoughtlings on their own. We can purposefully make our hearts feel in preferable ways so we receive better things. How great is it to know that at any time we please we can change our vibration by deliberately thinking better thoughts and conjuring blissful and joyful feelings? In my article, Resonation Affirmations: The Declarations Required to Manifest Desires, I talk about the Heartmath Institute who have demonstrated beyond a doubt that our heart has a field of energy surrounding it, shaped like a doughnut. It's a measurable field of energy that radiates out 5-8 feet, which they've concluded is the limit of their equipment. They believe it goes on for miles around us, just like the ancient texts tell us. They can also see how different the frequencies are when we feel love and compassion, compared to hate and fear, and that what we send out in the form of these emotions relaxes or tightens our DNA, which helps us block what we perceive to be negative from being created around us, and, simultaneously, lets us attract with ease all that's flowing towards us to be created in our lives. We need to make sure they're giving off the right signals, ones that align with our thoughts in ways we wish to see come back to us. We need to make clear, definite lines of communication with the Resonation Realm, or all our efforts will be for nothing. Does the hotel have fire alarms and an automatic sprinkler system? Hotels in the United States are required by law to have them but hotels in other countries don't necessary have to adhere to similar strict fire safety standards. Before you make your reservations, ask about the hotel's fire systems as well as the security measures such as electronic key card locks on the doors. Also, read other travelers' reviews on sites like TripAdvisor. Talk to your children about hotel crime and fire safety. You're about to start a fun family vacation and the last thing you want to be is Debbie Downer, bringing up all the things that could go wrong. Trust me, you have to. My family woke up to a fire alarm once during a hotel stay. If we had talked about what to do prior to the actual emergency, my daughters may have been a little less panicked. And I don't even want to think about what would've happened if we had somehow gotten separated during the evacuation.

My time in the property world had been valuable (though I didn't appreciate it at the time); It wasn't perfect by any means, but I had a road map to start working from. During my time in the property industry, I developed the foundations of a business brain. As I progressed in the fitness industry, I could clearly see who had what I call a fitness brain and who had a fitness business brain. Someone with a fitness brain focuses their efforts only on the coaching side, their knowledge and their own training. The coach with a fitness business brain focuses on their coaching, their knowledge, their training, and also the development of their reputation and business (which includes the quality and quantity of their results). This is a shift that will completely Level Up your development within the fitness industry and your life. Professionalism If you want to grow a successful business, it's essential that you develop a high level of professionalism. This means learning how to display the qualities of a professional and conduct yourself in a certain manner. Having identified and specified an issue or goal, you need to decide (collaboratively with the client) how much time and effort to spend on it. You should gather more data (if needed), review your options, reflect on practical considerations, and use the stage of therapy as a guide. When clients first bring up an issue, either while setting the agenda or later in the session, you assess the nature of the problem and turn it into a goal. For example, LENNY has put a new problem on the agenda: His cousin's business is failing, and LENNY feels badly for her. I ask LENNY what his goal is in relation to this problem so we can assess how useful it will be to devote a significant portion of therapy time to it. PAULINE: Okay, you said you wanted to bring up something about your cousin? Her business has been pretty rocky for a while, but now it looks as if it may go bankrupt. I'm really sad for her. PAULINE: What would be your goal in talking about this? Do you want to help her in some way?

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