Wednesday, 21 October 2020

What's a thrilling idea or theory to explain this?

I hope he hasn't been bothering you. He's always slipping out of the care home telling people he's John D. Rockefeller and writing them checks. Then she led the old man away by the arm. The astonished executive just stood there, stunned. All year long he'd been wheeling and dealing, buying and selling, convinced he had half a million dollars to back him. Suddenly, the executive realized that it wasn't the money, real or imagined, that had turned his life around. Sometimes, people have iron fortified cereal, but they have it with calcium-rich milk. That hampers the absorption. Our ancestors didn't require gym memberships to live long and healthy lives. But they were a lot more active. They walked everywhere and they worked with their hands (they didn't have so many gizmos like us). We, on the other hand, stay in one position for most of the day, and the only time we move is when we exercise our bowels. There's always an excuse ready--my left foot feels weird, I don't have any good workout gear or music on my iPod. When it comes to getting our lazy behinds off the couch and into a gym, we're prepared to do whatever it takes to offer maximum resistance. But exercise doesn't have to be such a dreaded chore. I should know. If we were able to make use of a more critical thinking, where to reflect and relativize all these dichotomies, we would discover and enjoy our ability to contemplate different points of view. Open with curiosity to all that range of opinions, characteristics, features and details that adorn our scenarios, would enrich us infinitely. More sense of humor, please

The good sense of humor goes hand in hand with intelligence. Who knows how to laugh at himself, who is able to find the luminous point in the mist, playing with reality to relativize it, transform it with grace and originality, making others laugh with his ingenuity has a valuable gift. Thus, your critical thinking is also a tool with which to show your ability to have a clearer perspective of reality, avoiding getting caught in frustrations, in anger without solution or in those misunderstandings that lead us nowhere. Become aware of your cognitive distortions Letting our vital focus get caught up in cognitive distortions, such as negativism, overgeneralization, the use of labels, the poralized approach or that selective attention where seeing only what we want, completely limits our critical thinking. We must become aware of these irrational resources so common in our mind. We must relativize, expand visions and horizons and simply remember that as we are often critical of those who surround us, it is also necessary to be with ourselves. All the money did was removing the worries that eradicated his confidence, clouded his mind and stole his initiative. It was his restored self-confidence that gave him the power to achieve anything he put his mind to. It is therefore no wonder that people say nothing builds self-confidence like a successful accomplishment and that self-confidence is the foundation of all great successes and achievement. The successful and rich know that this cycle must be implemented and repeated throughout life. It's said that if you stop learning, you become uneducated. If you take time and think about it, I believe you will realize how many tasks you perform every day without wondering if it would work. Take something simple like sitting down on a chair without thinking about it first. Do you stop to make sure it's strong enough to carry your weight first? Of course not! Because of your knowledge of the materials (wood, metal etc) it`s made of, the construction of the chair and the fact that it held others gives you the self-confidence, faith and trust that it is safe to use. I've been at it for years. Thirty-four-year-old Trishna Deshpande sits at her desk for eight hours of work. Come 5 pm, she heads to the bus stop and finds herself a seat for her 30-minute journey home.

Once she's home, she sits with her family and watches TV till 10 pm, after which it's bedtime. Why then, Trishna wonders, is her neck aching so much? And her lower back seems to be acting up again. Trishna is always low on energy and suffering from stress. She finds it tough to keep up with her six-year-old daughter, and often wonders if she's ageing too fast. What Trishna requires is some much-needed exercise. Stress needs an outlet. To conclude saying only that as we can intuit, developing this psychological strength takes time. However, if you really want to maximize your critical thinking do not forget a simple advice: be free, free of thoughts and will. Break chains and observe the world with humility, becoming aware of everything you can learn, of the great possibilities that surround you. KEEPING THE BRAIN IN SHAPE FOR CRITICAL THINKING Not long ago, scientists, doctors and almost everyone believed that the neurons, cells and pathways we were born with were the only ones we would have for the rest of our lives, so we had to take advantage of them. The brain consists of four main lobes and convoluted structures within them, two hemispheres (left and right), intricate networks of communication and more than 100 billion neurons. The good news is that, recently, the scientific research community has discovered a process called neuroplasticity. This means that the neural pathways of communication and neurons in the brain continue to grow throughout our lives. The process slows down as we grow but does not stop at all, as was once believed. Exercise your brain Think how many other things do you use daily without giving it a second thought? After you've learned how something works and seeing the positive results, your self-confidence grows and you keep on using it. Doing that, you create the results you want to help you achieve your goals.

Your results and success give you the self-confidence and motivation you need to keep going no matter what obstacle or opposition you encounter along the way. The self-confidence you now have, the belief in yourself and your abilities, the proof of your success based on the results you achieved, motivates you to persist in with what you're doing until you achieve what you want. You have tasted successes, perhaps in the form of a payment, and you are not allowing anything or anyone to keep you from reaching bigger achievements. When you encounter obstacles or experience negative results, so-called failures, you don't quit. You keep on working until you have solved the problem and learned what you need to get the best results. Remember Edison's goal to create a long lasting practical light bulb? He did more than 10 000 experiments before he accomplished it. Remember the stress hormone cortisol I keep bringing up? Exercise burns it away and releases endorphins or the happy hormones into your system. Other happy chemicals like dopamine and serotonin are also released in the brain during exercise. And they even help you overcome internal struggles such as uncertainty and pessimism. So you could be running on the treadmill and end up solving some of your life's complicated problems. As a bonus, you also get to fit into a pair of jeans one size smaller. Stress shrinks your body. Your muscles contract and stiffen, your shoulders droop and your back hunches like the bell keeper of Notre Dame. There is no flexibility or agility to speak of. Without a strong body, your mind is powerless in the war against stress. Stimulates the growth of new neurons. Your brain is full of billions of cells (literally) that contain a nucleus, axons, dendrites and synapses. A proven way to stimulate the growth of new neurons is learning.

You must give constant maintenance to existing axons, dendrites and synapses so that they do not become idle. Keep doing the things you already do, like playing sports, reading, doing puzzles, exercising, doing crafts or listening to music. The key to stimulating the growth of new neurons is to learn something different, perhaps even something different that seems difficult at first. Neuroplasticity of the brain, or the ability to grow new neurons, occurs if you take charge and expose your brain to something different. Try something new. Learn to juggle, dance, play an instrument or anything that is new to you. It may even be useful to do things that are known to you but in a different way (for example, moving around your house walking safely on your back). He never gave up. He pursued his dream and was willing to do what it took to make it a reality. Unfortunately, this is also the most difficult phase in the cycle of success. Not everyone makes it past the step of persistence. Perhaps about 95% of people quit right at this stage. The reasons differ from person to person. Some say: It is too difficult to accomplish. He just wanted to make a commission. For many the fear of failure causes them to quit even before they start! What about you? Here are the many, many benefits of exercise: Your body responds by secreting more testosterone, which helps repair and rebuild muscles. The more muscle you have, higher is your metabolism

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