Wednesday, 21 October 2020

He searches for concepts to explain things

And the best part is: The feel-good effects of exercise last throughout the day. YOUR DIET AND YOUR WORKOUT: HOW TO MAKE THE TWO FALL IN LOVE You might be exercising but still not feeling or looking great. Have you ever considered why? Exercise alone is not enough. You need to take care of your diet as well. Try anything you can think of that presents a challenge to your brain, but it must be something that requires thinking. Perform neurotic exercises. Neurobic exercises are designed to stimulate new growths in the brain. The basics of neurotic exercises involve using the senses to stimulate new brain pathways. Think of ways to challenge your brain by modifying your sensory perceptions. Here are some examples: Dress in the morning with eyes closed or bandaged. Use headphones that suppress the sound while trying to communicate verbally with a friend. Talk and try to understand what he tells you by the movements of his mouth and the gestures of his hands. If you play the piano, you can play a simple and familiar piece with your eyes closed or with two fingers glued to each other. Have you also experienced negative results or failed in your search for success? Have you, like me, tried a few business models, especially on the internet, that didn't work? Have you lost money by trying to create a worthwhile business?

Did you feel that no matter what you do, nothing seems to work? While in the meantime you crave for success and a decent income to make ends meet? Believe me, most people who started a business or tried some or other way of creating an income as they desperately searched for a better life had this. I want to stress an important truth I learned. It isn't always the business or the product you sell that is to blame. When you have done your homework and due diligence and found it's a good product or business with great potential, you are halfway there. But you have to follow the steps of the cycle of success and keep repeating them to give you the best chance of success. Yes, the two are intrinsically linked and go a long way toward dealing with stress. I'll show you how. It's possible that while your exercise programme is flawless, your dietary habits leave a lot to be desired. So you need to do a little probing. ARE YOU CONSUMING MORE CALORIES THAN YOU'RE BURNING? If yes, you need to cut back 100 to 200 calories a day, and see if that makes a difference. Never go below 1,300 calories, you'll slip into starvation mode. Check your portions. Account for every morsel that goes into your mouth. Every little bit counts: like the milk and sugar in your coffee, the glass of wine you drink to unwind, and the mini doughnut you eat between your meals that you think no one knows about. You can try to play a simple piece with all your fingers but by touching the fa key with the right hand and above the central do and the treble clef with the left hand and below the central do. Use your non-dominant hand for your routine activities. Try brushing your teeth, combing your hair and using the computer mouse with your non-dominant hand.

Write with your non-dominant hand. Try to write several sentences of memory, such as the first stanza of a known poem or song, writing the lyrics backwards, as if they were reflections or from left to right. Try to practice your favorite sport with your non-dominant hand. Break your routines. Put your shoes in the opposite order. Cut the grass in the opposite direction. Think of other frequent routines and modify the order. Many times you don't even know why you fail or what you need to do to make something work. And it's not because you are incompetent or not good enough, or whatever you or others might think. The reason can be that you were taught and experienced things as far back as your childhood that might be limiting you. In the following articles we will see how this happens and why it has such an enormous influence on what you think and do. If what you planned or intended to do did not work out the way you wanted, it is important to ask yourself this: Was I persistent enough? Did I make sure I acquired the knowledge sufficiently to apply it successfully in my business and get the desired results that would boost my self-confidence? Did I give up too early? What eroded my self-confidence? When you have lost your self-confidence to spur you on to persist, you will probably never reap the harvest that can change your life. I read this true and inspirational story once about the men who built the Brooklyn Bridge. Also, are there too many gaps between meals? If you eat small meals every two hours, your metabolism rate shoots up, and it's a lot easier to burn fat. You need to eat five meals a day, in the following order:

Meal one: Breakfast Meal two: Mid-morning snack Meal three: Lunch Meal four: Early evening snack Meal five: Dinner Eat an hour to an hour-and-a-half before exercising. In case of a heavy meal, wait two hours. Take a walk early in the morning simply to identify the smells around you. Try to identify the ingredients of a dish only by taste and smell. It improves blood flow in the brain. A recent study used only brain training based on strategies without introducing any element of physical exercise to improve blood flow in the brain. These results showed that blood flow increased significantly using only brain training exercises. The objective of the study was to increase blood flow in the brain using only mental exercises. When blood flow in the brain slows down, this causes atrophy of brain tissues. Atrophy in the brain means that cells degenerate, important communication pathways are degraded and brain tissue and important structures shrink. The study recruited people of all ages who had suffered a traumatic brain injury, of which about 65% had suffered the injury at least 10 years earlier. One part of the group was exposed to brain training based on strategies and the others were exposed for the same amount of time to general teaching materials on how the brain works. In 1883, a creative engineer, named John Roebling, was inspired by an idea to build a spectacular bridge connecting New York with Long Island. However, bridge building experts throughout the world thought that this was an impossible feat and told Roebling to forget the idea. It just could not be done.

It was not practical and something like this had never been done before. Roebling could not ignore the vision he had in his mind of this bridge. He thought about it all the time and he knew deep in his heart that it could be done. He just had to share the dream with someone. After much discussion and persuasion he managed to convince his son, Washington, an up and coming engineer, that the bridge could in fact be built. Working together for the first time, the father and son developed concepts of how it could be accomplished and how the obstacles could be overcome. With great excitement, inspiration, and the headiness of a wild challenge before them, they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge. Working out immediately after eating will only make you feel sluggish. Your body's focus and blood flow are directed towards digestion, not your muscles. Besides, the food hasn't yet been converted into energy that you can burn. You need to fuel your body with the right nutrition for energy. For this, sit with a nutritionist and find a way to include the right foods in your diet. Never exercise on an empty stomach early in morning. During the night, around 80 percent of your glycogen stores of digested carbs are used as energy. In the morning, when you workout on an empty stomach, the remaining 20 percent is consumed almost immediately. So energy gets depleted from your lean muscle mass thus leading to muscle loss. Assess your calories and measurements each week with your trainer. The group that received the strategy-based training improved their abstract thinking scores by more than 20% and their memory function measures by 30%, and blood flow in the brain showed a significant increase compared to the control group. Many of the participants in that group also suffered from symptoms of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. Depression symptoms improved by 60% with strategy-based training and symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder improved by almost 40%.

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