Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Do I have difficulty sensing other people's emotional boundaries?

One is the minimum amount of points and means you are totally dissatisfied and ten is the maximum and means you are totally satisfied (ie there is no room for improvement). Work by the infectious disease specialist John Chia suggests that enteroviruses (eg, Coxsackievirus) are active in a very high percent of cases of CFS and fibromyalgia. A supplement called Equilibrant can be very helpful in these situations. Regular lab testing is not helpful. I treat this without doing the lab testing. Next, I consider antibiotic-sensitive infections: For Lyme disease and coinfections, I do not find most testing to be especially reliable (although it can point in helpful directions). I find that most labs are either almost always negative and others almost always positive. Because of this, I consider it reasonable to treat empirically based on symptoms and simply see if the person improves. If taking antibiotics for an extended period, it is critical that the person be on antifungal support as well. Simply treating with the antibiotics without treating the hypothalamic circuit breaker is far less likely to work. I had him open up in our group session about what he was like when he felt angry. He found this hard to do because he worried that the group would judge him as harshly as he judged himself. But he cooperated: He mentioned someone in his life with whom he felt angry and expressed his anger about that -- and he really let himself feel it. The group responded wonderfully. I don't think any less of you, said one. I've felt that way, too, said another. I feel like I know you better now, declared a third. The experience transformed this man. He felt blown away by the acceptance and grace of the team -- just the opposite of what he'd expected.

Never in his life had anyone said it was okay to feel angry. If you are particularly sensitive to plant energies, such a circumstance might present within you as an inability to digest the food in question, or a phantom sense of anxiety or depression after eating it. The plant empath can often struggle to connect deeply with other humans. They might even resent humanity on a global level for the many forms of destruction we've levied against the natural world. As difficult as it might be, the plant empath should make an effort to reach beyond their comfort zone and foster connection with at least a handful of people, preferably some who share their deep concern for plant life. They might find it helpful to join an environmental organization to see such people while giving back to the natural world at the same time. Geomantic Empaths A geomantic empath has a genuinely phenomenal ability to pick up on the energetic vibrations of inanimate objects or inorganic materials. They are also sometimes referred to as environmental empaths. Geomantic empaths generally fall into one of two categories. First, some are connected to individual objects, rooms or buildings, and can sense their histories. Once you have completed the chart, connect the points. Next repeat the exercise, this time marking out where you would like to be in a year or six months from now. You can use a different colour of pen to do this. Now you have an overview and a number of more specific targets to aim for and a means with which to track your progress. Big Picture Goals: 60 Second Goal Setting What Stops You? Now that you have decided what you want, it's time to assess what stops you from becoming or being who and how you want to be. Whether you want to see yourself radiating with confidence or filled with happiness. Whether you are drawn to the idea of being an outstanding communicator or being the one that lights up the room when you walk in.

Whether you'd like to see yourself in a fulfilling relationship, with a partner, among friends or even family. If somebody has a history of being allergic to three unrelated antibiotics, this suggests that it was not an allergy, but rather flaring your symptoms from killing off an antibiotic-sensitive bacteria that was contributing to the CFS/FMS. Also, when a person reports that they took an antibiotic for a week or two and their CFS/FMS improved markedly while they were on it, it simply makes sense to put them back on that antibiotic for an extended period. For those of you with CFS/FMS, welcome to the Infection of the Month Club. Many of you have noticed that there seems to be a regular flow of new infections that get blamed for CFS and fibromyalgia. I have watched this occur over and over in the last forty years, with literally dozens of different infections being blamed as the cause. So let me start by simply stating the obvious: CFS/FMS is generally not occurring from a single infection--but rather most people have many infections that are dragging them down. Immune dysfunction is an integral part of CFS/FMS. In fact, some people use the name CFIDS, or chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome, instead of CFS. Because of the immune dysfunction, people with CFS pick up many hitchhiker infections. In addition, there are many viral infections--such as infectious mononucleosis (EBV or Epstein-Barr virus), HHV-6 (human herpesvirus 6) and other herpesviruses, CMV (cytomegalovirus), herpes zoster (aka chickenpox and shingles), and others--that are never entirely cleared from our body once we have them--and most people have had these infections by the time they're twenty years old. When we met the next month, he reported several dramatic changes. He had more energy. He was kinder to his wife and kids. He confronted others well and fairly. And when he felt angry, he said his piece and got over it quickly. The judge in his head was being redeemed, being taught to accept him as Christ and the team had accepted him. Entitlement does not prompt you to accept the negatives in your life. It drives you away from admitting your flaws, away from bringing them up with people you trust, and away from learning how to deal with them. Instead, the entitled attitude has three directions, all of which destroy your health:

The person in denial simply turns her back on reality. This type of geomantic empath will have extreme preferences for or aversion to previously owned clothing, household items, or cars, and can only live in buildings with happy emotional legacies. The second type of geomantic empath maintains a connection to the earth itself, and all rocks and stones that were once a part of it, even the grains of sand on a beach or the microscopic minerals in salt or drinking water. These empaths can often detect impending natural disasters before any branch of science can predict them. Both of these geomantic empath types tend to have heightened sensitivities to natural materials. Stone and rock, of course, but also wood (raw, petrified, or in any other state), hemp and linen, seashell and bone--these are all excellent materials to incorporate into your living space if you identify as a geomantic empath. You may also find that you reap even more significant benefits from crystal healing than most, so it's a great idea to fill your home with healing stones and lots of natural light. Grounding is also an excellent way for you to practice self-care, restore balance, and recharge, particularly near seashores, mountain ranges, or patches of earth that are undisturbed by modern architecture and technology. History and art museums can be emotional rollercoasters for the geomantic empath, who feels deep connections to items and can be overwhelmed by the energetic charge of anything that's been on this planet for longer than the average human life-span. Geomantic empaths are deeply connected to natural ecosystems, so they can find great joy through championing environmental causes. Join an organization that works to stop marine pollution or deforestation, or donate money to help sustain a nature reserve that is especially meaningful to you. What stops you? What do you want for yourself? I cannot know exactly what that is, but I do know that you already know, if only on a deeper level. If you're not already aware I can help you identify it. What is it that has stopped you? What is it that has prevented you thus far from becoming your better self? The self that you know deep down inside you can be. That you want to be. That you deserve to be.

Isn't it time right now to start to make that happen? For these viruses and others, the body often finds it easier to simply lock up the last remaining bugs in little jail cells where they stay for the rest of our lives unless our immune function goes down, in which case there is sometimes a jailbreak. Then we have what is called viral reactivation. Unfortunately, although testing is very good at picking up most acute first-time infections, it is very unreliable at diagnosing chronic infections. So deciding whether to treat for infections in CFS/FMS is best based on symptoms and response to treatment rather than simply relying on the testing. The good news? It is not necessary to track down and kill every infection. Almost all of these infections are what are considered opportunistic infections. By definition, this means that they cannot survive when your immune system is healthy. Because of this, once you have cleared out a few key infections and helped your immune system to heal, it knows how to get rid of the rest of the infections. An easy way to understand what is going on with infections in fibromyalgia is to think of them like a pack of little yapping dogs. She refuses to admit her flaws to herself or anyone else, which eliminates any possibility of deep and satisfying relationships. Who would put up with that for very long? Worse, denial keeps her from growing, changing, and transforming. God doesn't heal what goes unconfessed: Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed (James 5:16). The person caught in perfectionism beats himself up for failures, minor or major. His standard for performance is perfection, and he offers himself little grace when he stumbles. He constantly scrutinizes and condemns himself, and never makes it to a point of self-acceptance. The narcissistic person adopts a grandiose view of himself that hides his flaws, which usually lie buried under deep shame and envy. He is so afraid to see himself as he really is that he reacts in the opposite direction, toward the I'm special stance, in which he becomes arrogant and selfish and has difficulty feeling empathy for others.

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